Edensword Hall, College Avenue, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, MD
Book Talk and Signing by Bruce Mowday, author of “Lafayette at the Battle of Brandywine”
This event is part of Lafayette’s Farewell Tour Bicentennial Celebration in Annapolis. According to Historic Annapolis: In December of 1824, after a 40-year absence, Lafayette made one last trip to Annapolis accompanied by his son, George Washington Lafayette. As part of his 13-month farewell “Grand Tour” of the United States, he spent four days in Annapolis, allowing a new generation of townspeople a glimpse of one of the nation’s most revered heroes.
Bruce Mowday has been a reporter, columnist and editor for 23 years. He is an author of more than 20 books and has given lectures on the life and legacy of Lafayette to literary and historic groups around the US.
Location: St. John’s College Bookstore at Edensword Hall, 60 College Avenue
Free book talk and signing. Books are available for purchase at the event!
Parking at the Calvert Street Garage, 19 St. John’s Street.
For additional information contact Melinda Rooney, Melinda.rooney@sjc.edu, 410-295-5549. Campus Map