1160 Camino de Cruz Blanca, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Did you know that New Mexico is the premier place outside of Spain to study Flamenco?
My name is Sofya Yampolsky, I'm a Graduate Institute student who and a Flamenco dancer that has studied here for over ten years.
I want to offer you the chance to learn a little about this incredible, complex, life-affirming art form. This isn't tango (that's from Argentina and is danced in couples)—Flamenco is a dance of Spanish Roma (gypsy) origin, mixed with Spanish court dances, with African, Arab, and Jewish musical influences.
Flamenco is danced by both women AND men—so don't be afraid to come try it!
I'm offering a class that will meet biweekly for an hour to give you an introduction—and hopefully by the end of the semester you will be able to dance the Sevillanas, which is like a passport into the culture of Spain.
For more information and to join please contact Sofya Yampolsky at sryampolsky@sjc.edu
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