Friday, April 7, 2023 7pm
1160 Camino de Cruz Blanca, Santa Fe, NM 87505
“To Be Forever and Immortal: Struggle and Salvation in the Thought of al-Farabi”
Ahmed Siddiqi, St. John’s College, Santa Fe
Friday, April 7, 7:00 p.m., Great Hall
In the Muslim world, as in the world at large, there is an ongoing debate regarding the proper scope of reason’s authority in religious matters. Should we feel entitled to legislate for ourselves in pursuit of worldly welfare, as liberal Muslim theorists claim? Or, are we obligated to obey the divine law in its original form, as Islamists argue? This lecture will outline the contours of this debate before turning to the work of tenth-century philosopher al-Farabi. I will argue that, through his investigation of virtue, struggle, and happiness, al-Farabi not only clarifies what our attitude towards law should be but also shows us the path toward self-knowledge and true happiness.
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